Wednesday, December 10, 2008

As the Green Party Website put it - "We're swimming in it."

Consumer New Zealand recently reported that one third of New Zealand's popular swimming beaches were now dangerous to swim in due to risk of getting infections and diseases. Around the country Kiwis, predominantly children, are getting nose, ear, eye and skin infections and even campylobacteriosis from swimming in their favourite beaches, rivers or lakes. The main causes are cows pooing in the river and peoples' poo being dumped in the sea.

This comes after years of ineffective and weak laws on water pollution and inefficient sewage treatment plants. The Green Party recently called for the government to change these laws. They also suggested giving extra money to the councils that they may improve the sewage plants.

It is my view that this is particularly serious with a hot, Kiwi Christmas coming up. Hopefully not too many people will get ill.

Change this! Party vote Green!

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