Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Decisions are Being Made for Me. . .

. . .and I don't like it! National's new "Fire-at-will" bill is most likely to affect students and teens, yet at fifteen I cannot vote and therefore cannot have a say. I'm not necessarily asking for a vote, but surely it's time for better youth representation in parliament?

Decisions are not only being taken away from teens.*

The new National led government recently declared urgency and is no longer required to make bill public three days before it is proposed in parliament.

"While the Government have laid out their plans to pass a range of laws which will have major impacts on New Zealanders, it's a real worry that they have failed to make the actual legislation available to the public."
Russel Norman, Green Party co-leader

New Zealanders discover what the proposals are at the same time as they discover whether or not they were passed. This is appears to be an outrageous abuse of power and seems to undermine our current democracy. I will be interested to hear National's reason for urgency.

However, these decisions are being made for us without our knowing, let alone approval. How can we have a say, or contact our local MP with regards to an issue if we don't know what it is?

Party vote Green

*how about the fact that the "fire-at-will" bill was not on the National Party's list of legislation that they would pass in the first 100 days.

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